Something I get asked all the time is about how I go about cleansing my home. Well, well, well, pull up a stool and let’s get to it!
Smudging is not something that was passed down to me but actually something I picked up along the way. It is the practice of using Sage, Cedarleaf, Palo Santo, etc. to cleanse your environment, home, space, car, body, literally ANYTHING! I know people who smudge naked, they coordinate their clothing to match the magical color of the day and honestly they’re all kinds of ways you can smudge! However, today I will let you in on MY WAY of smudging. Now mind you, as I have said before, God is a huge part of my journey and so my way of smudging does include prayer.
The example I will provide you with today will be in regards to my home but I mean it can be altered for a person, single room, a hotel room, whatever you need it for. I love to smudge with sage. The smell and feel of sage just takes me back to simple times, so I use it for clearing all the energy in my home. I like to start by cleaning. Yes that’s right, CLEANING. I clean my home wiping down counters, dusting, mopping (adding some of my favorite 'Agua de Florida' to the cleaning mixture), I wash my clothes, etc. I get my home feeling nice and fresh. A dirty home can keep stale energy around so it is critical to have a clean and organized environment before starting the smudging process. Once my cleaning is all done I am ready to prep my working space. Usually at my altar, I grab the sage stick I will be using and meditate for 5 minutes. Meditating is just to clear my head of everything. I bring the sage in front of me, holding it in the palm of both hands and say a prayer. In my prayer I thank God for my current blessings and speak on what kind of energy I am wanting to welcome and banish from my home. When I am done I light the sage stick, allowing it to smoke out. Once the smoking has started I focus my mind on the 4 main energies I am welcoming into my home and chant them out loud.
Example: If I am welcoming love, prosperity, determination and imagination I will chant out loud “Please only allow love, prosperity, determination and imagination to enter this home. I dismiss all those energies that object my wish.” You can switch this up to whatever feels fitting for you, but it should be loud, firm, and clear.
As I chant, I walk around the home getting in cabinets, corners and every room.The key is to focus, believe and feel those good vibes/energies entering your home. Once you get every corner/room and feel completed with your smudging you will place the smudge stick in a dish to burn out on its own. Please keep an eye on it as it is burning out. Also, be aware that as you are smudging your home you are to leave a window or door cracked open so those negative energies have a way out!
I will post a plant pairing chart, at a later time, so you may see what plants are best for different energy clearings. Also, keep an eye out for the Smudge sticks I will begin to sell in the latter half of 2019! I am so excited for those babies as they will be planted, picked, and wrapped in pure love!
And there it is! My entire smudging process! If you have any questions you may ALWAYS ask and I hope you have found this post to be most helpful and informative. Do not forget the veil between the living and spirit world has started thinning, so get those alters decked out for your ancestors who are coming to visit!
I wish you all a great weekend and happy Smudging!